Hi and welcome! Thank you for tuning into the Find Your Hidden Treasure Chest Blog! Created alongside my book, 'Find Your Hidden Treasure Chest,' this blog provides you with a forum to ask questions and seek assistance. We're here to help anyone working to improve their bottom line and ability to save for the future.

As you may be aware, currently close to half of all households have NO RETIREMENT SAVINGS!!! When you consider that our retirement years could last three decades or more, ensuring that you're able to save for tomorrow is of paramount importance! The mission and ultimate goal of the book and this blog is to help improve the financial lives and futures for as many people as possible.
Here's a quick question and thought for you:
- What amount is your Social Security monthly estimate?
- Now how much money do you average spending each month?
Take the difference between the two and that can give you an idea of the difference you would need if you retired today. Without being able to cover the shortfall, upon retirement you can be faced with some tough decisions. But there's good news!!
In Find Your Hidden Treasure Chest, you have an opportunity to customize your retirement!
By using my customized Savings Sheet, You can input the number of years until you plan to retire, as well as how much money you wish to have saved. You can then begin selecting savings opportunities to get you started toward your goal!
It is my hope to have this blog become a place where I can continue to create and inform you of systematic practices that can help build wealth for you and your future. I invite you to leave a comment below and continue the conversation on social media!
You can buy your copy of FIND YOUR HIDDEN TREASURE CHEST at Barnes and Noble, on Amazon Kindle, at your local bookstore, or right here at findyourhiddentreasurechest.com, so you can get started on that wealthier, brighter future that you dream of!
-Matt Simmons
This book speaks to everyone, regardless of your age. I’m retired, but within a day of reading this book, I’ve made distinct changes that will immediately increase my retirement wealth. It’s free money I would have never realized without the guidance in this book. My main concern is that younger generations have the opportunity to read it. The sooner they start to prepare for retirement, the more they will have when it’s their time to relax. It’s a quick read and easy to understand. I highly recommend!!!!! Lynn B